วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

What is ALSA?

ALSA Background
At present, national border seem to be decreasing in importance, this is due to increasing economic cooperation and the ever increasing tide of globalization created by advances in information technology, which is shrinking the world and increasing global unity.
ASEAN is an association of countries, which have grouped together with great strength and unity and have increasing political clout in the world. The creation of AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) will also have wide repercussion on the Thai People and ASEAN.
This point to the increasing importance of understanding of the legal systems, laws and social, economic and political situation of different ASEAN member countries, This is so that cooperation in various sectors between ASEAN countries will proceed with understanding, built on a base of friendship fostered between member countries.
ASEAN countries cooperate with each other in many sectors, both governmental and private, with activities in economic, social and educational spheres. At the level of the law student, there is an organization by the name of ALSA (ASEAN Law Students Association), which is an association of law students spanning five countries, namely Indonesia, The Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
ALSA holds a conference every year, with each member country hosting in turn.
Establishment of ALSA
The idea of forming an association for law students of ASEAN originated during an Indonesian law students conference. The idea was realized when the first ASEAN Law Students’ Conference in 1989 was held in Jakarta. At this conference, The ASEAN Law Students' Association was established.
Thailand has sent representatives to ALSA’s annual conference since the second conference (except for the third conference) but not in great numbers. Thailand’s role in ALSA has been very small compared to other member countries, except for ALSA’s 7th annual conference, for which Thailand was host.
After Chulalongkorn University sent 10 representatives to attend the 10th conference at Kuala Lampur in 1998, ALSA in Thailand made a legal advance once again. On this occasion, the National Committee of ALSA Thailand was established in order to take responsibility for administrative tasks.
The Significance of ALSA
ALSA is important for several reasons. Firstly it is very convenient avenue through which law students of the region can find out about the differing legal systems, legal education systems and culture among other ASEAN countries. Secondly, as economic activity in the region expands, there is a greater need for lawyers to establish contacts with other lawyers, businessmen, and authorities from the neighboring countries and ALSA provides a good starting point for law students to gain useful contacts at the students stage of their careers. Thirdly, ALSA provide invaluable exposure to how different people from different ASEAN members countries works. This is essential in view of the trends for economies in ASEAN to regionalize, which will certainly result in more occasions where local lawyers will have to work with other lawyers. Businessmen, and officer from other parts of the region.
ALSA Thailand can help Thai law students to achieve their professional potential and widen their horizons.
1. To foster better relations and cooperation and to enhance mutual understanding among law students of ASEAN member countries.
2. To help Thai law students better appreciate the different social and economic conditions existing in member countries.
3. To promote the discussion of pertinent legal issues that arises in ASEAN, as well as the exchange of information on the laws, legal system and legal development in ASEAN.
4. To cooperate with international, regional, national, and other organizations.
5. To facilitate exchange programs for law students.
6. To help Thai law students to develop their English knowledge. Especially, technical English relevant to the legal professions.
7. To develop Law students' ability to work in a group or organization.
8. To contribute to the gradual creation at a new generation of leaders in ASEAN imbued with rational values.

And we have ALSA Forum

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

AU Camp Last-past

And Now we come arrive in 3 day of we must work already. Which we must awake since 5.00 A.M. for staff who is take care the new student get back at university for go to take new student who come in in the activity "AU camp".Which other group as a already to standby at the ABAC Bangna. When new student comes to ABAC Bangna all group ready begin the work who is work in other group. In the morning the activity recreation it very fun for the new student. After that we have a break to eat the bread. Thereafter the activity reach the base does all activity. When the new student do finished activity has in midday time already.My group the group of welfare will distribute lunch gives with every unit, all of10 unit. After that we will enterring races to go stadium and show power of the cheer.when they training before in the time of we have the activity recreation by each group.In the time of show other group have some difference to show all the group and we will have a reward for who is the best group have a very good show.And then when all the group is finish show that already.We will speech for brother of the university to welcome a new student who is come to study in the ABAC university and open ceremony "AU camp" the activity again officially. When brother of the university give homily finished already.We will the explanation that why we have activity base has that to do that have the purpose ?And then we will have something show for group of show. Which in the show we have dance show and a lot of think in the show for new student feeling happy in the amusement. After we finish the show for the group of show,we will the tying holy thread for welcome new student reaches the university. Which this activity use a lot of the .Because all person want to use long time for a make a relation with new student .Already when we bind holy thread finished everybody will come to accompany with sing for the farewell for the work today .Already my group will wait the outside in order to , distribute snack box for new that student takes to get back eat on a bus when they get back at a house and all staff will come to deliver [ protuberant ] say goodbye all new student and everybody sing a song to say goodbye. Finally when we finished everybody havw celebrate can reserve finished work. Which use 3 days to work in the real day of "Au Camp" and the work for 2 day comes to get prepare in the training day. When we will do this activity,which in 3 days I meet a lot of things.It is excellent experience has that to come to do the activity "AU Camp" I can make new friend include I use the time through 3 day very exhausted but I enjoy about it and this all of the activity "Au camp" and if I am likely come back do again in next year.

วันศุกร์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

AU Camp past.2

Let talk about training day we have 2 day for trianing before , new student will come join in "au camp" .In the first day we have to conspiracy to doing something before and after, prepare the activity , many the base of activeity and do the equipment in doing that activity with , training the recreation to give all staff can sing a song the recreation.And we will teach new student sings the institute and sing the cheers for race in all unit.We prepare the shows for new student receives the amusement and prepare the equipment will to use in the shows and group others try learn the work of themselves by group boss is will trainer everybody in the group.And in my group work for prepare foods , medicine , and the telephone orders sweets for staff and new student will to come in "au camp" in after 2 in the future. Which we use the time all for day prepare the work only in first day .In second day we training same as a new student has come to join "au camp".which my group job will be work preparation in the last day at everything must be already in tomorrow.But my group still perform only originally must prepare myself that must have to much new student comes to join "au camp" then must prepare food , medicine , water , sweets too more much in training day 2 both of day.Which my group have to check the time when food , water , sweets , that will come to send.And we must use the time distribute eachly unit in anytime and we must check what time all group doing that something in that time.And we make sureabout the time in sending all the thing if any unit want has correctly and punctual to certainly.Every the work should get into trouble so 2 both of day of training day,we get into trouble a lot of happen in to work.All the group try solve a problem in situation for give all the thing pass without trouble for "au camp" day in 3day after Don't have problem when we doing activity in the "au camp".And in a night of second training day we will have distribution shirt for everybody staff to use in the work in the tomorrow and will distribute a shirt for staff in 2 days after for use to work in the next and next day in the night.And in that night all the group is not hurry to sleep.Because we must train all the thing to be already and we make sure to the singing , certainly.Which use the time for a long time , arrive at midnight.But the group of staff who take care new students will be glad to train all that night.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

AU Camp past.1

In this vacation I have many thing to do .This is the one activity has that me join in with friends in the university .Which this activity use the time for a long time,we use 5 all times day together .And we divide be that 2 day first be that staff come to training ready to work and 3 day to do real activity .This activity is "AU Camp" arrange at ABAC Bangna .Which the activity welcomes first-year altogether students of every the faculty .Which in this year use the theme be Journal .We will have a student every from the facultys and every the clubs come to join together with work.We have many students about 300 persons who comes in to work this accompany with .And we have distribution order to groups this get completely.

first group is the group of staff to take care a first-year students who come in to welcome first-year students this group are very important .Which we will divide the group calls "unit" it have 10 unit .Because we will have a lot of new students we can't control all new students in one group.So this group has a lot of students come to that take care a first-year students who come in to do the activity ,the recreation and take a first-year students goes to reach activity base and test a first-year students sing the institute.

second group are activity group they think a lot of funny about the activitys to give a first-year students share to play the activitys such and help to train a first-year students can sing the institute.

group 3 are group of show.They are both of show s sing a song and dance to build the amusement give with first-year students and they have to showwing that.They have both of show dance and cheerleader make first-year students happy to see the show.

group 4 are the group of Art , work to decorate the place , at use to do the activitys and use in showwing or something in the show.And there make a white string and make for everything to use in the activitys.

group 5 are the group of coordinate activities to work to that coordinate activities go to check all group that how is the position has something already and each unit want something enhance or not.they are the very important group .Because they must softly coordinate activities in each.

group 6 are the group of welfare.Which I am working in this group.In this group is important group same with coordinate activities.We are the group that takes care the food ,sweets ,water , medicine , other any unit want it when unit do the activity.My group late at night more other group,because we must take care of all before wesleep .And we must awake before,because we must take breakfast comes to give Staff before they go to welcome first-year students and while the every group does our activity.We are take care that unit or not.May be any unit want something else.

which first and second will work preparation fully and 3 day after that we work all day welcome first-year students to reach do the activity.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

New activities

A newactivity are connection activity from a time last.This is the activity welcomes first-year students to reach the school.this is a first orientation activity for new student in the school. this is the activity has that us does every year for younger students from the primary school to the high school and this activity take time 2 day.In first day that will school suggestion that , there is what is instruction education in the school after that they will bring a new student tour the school for the suggestion that , what is in each the part of the school has keep to do.Already will have give a younger student does the activity that , what are get go to where else in the school and each that of the school have keep to do for repeat.In the evening will the preparation competes the sport and cheer.They will divide the group about 5 the group and they will have practise for there are competition in tomorrow.they take time in the afternoon for practice this competition.And they will take a new students get back to a house and will come to meet tomorrow .In second the first activity , they will sport competition and cheer have the practise already in day yesterday which in the competition really in already today amusing in this competition.This activity does to go up for affect the unity in new student group , and when
the midday they will ues the time can give new student will wait for next activitie by the recreation and in the time midday , they will having lunch of new student and have
feed sweets for the senior has that to graduate go to already.We will come to feed new students sweets , this activity will do to go up for give a new students has known the senior that has graduated to go to then vacate can make the senior has known new student already.We will get suggest a new students in stayying school and tell experience time when they still study in this school and build the amusement between an elder brother and a younger brother.After that we will preparation to do the activity goes pass through blue flag it is the symbol in the school.Which be to the welcomes first-year students to reach to this school and when graduate the education then will go pass through blue flag is out of school this also when go pass through blue this flag then.We will enter altogether at a conference room for advise the symbol of the school and do the activity "rice offering" it is bind holy thread for new students.And we have new student writes messages shows the feeling and will want to do from the school have given the school already are when they go to graduate already and senior will say goodbye get back to a house then to come to bless new student gives good luck good

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

First activity

the activity is after I come to tour to Rayong.It is calling ceremony wear a necklace. the activity that my old school do it for say goodbye to students is go out of school and welcome new students reaches and welcome to the university .And the first activity in the morning it will the ceremony takes certificate graduate student from the director of my old school and we will have student separation is 3-4 a kind it is a student who can study and get grades 4 every term, a student who have the grade develops to go up every term , a student who graduate only not have anything this all students receive different certificate graduate.Because if students can study and get grades 4 every or students have the grade develops to go up every term they will receive different reward.After that we will have the video for younger students makes to senior who have graduate in this year and we makes the video for senior who have graduate before this year to senior who have graduate in this year.after that in the afternoon the senior will have to
congratulate for junior and come to bind holy thread for junior who graduates in this year.the ceremony is calling "the rice offering" which we use time moderately.Because this is the last time at junior will take holy thread from the senior before they go out of school soon as soon.Thereafter senior who have graduate will have to wait for perform a next ceremony.It calling "loop a necklace" in this ceremony the senior will loop a necklace for junior.It is a souvenir before a junior is will go out of school this and after that we sing a song the school music for the last time altogether.After we finish to sing a song all the junior go to respect the holy thing of the school again.Junior who have graduate will enter promise bless from many teachers in hte school and take a photograph with a teachers for get it in the memory and during the evening will have the activity is after I come to tour to Rayong.It is calling ceremony wear a necklace. the activity that my old school do it for say goodbye to students is go out of school and welcome new students reaches and welcome to the university .And the first activity in the morning it will the ceremony takes certificate graduate student from the director of my old school and we will have student separation is 3-4 a kind it is a student who can study and get grades 4 every term, a student who have the grade develops to go up every term , a student who graduate only not have anything this all students receive different certificate graduate.Because if students can study and get grades 4 every or students have the grade develops to go up every term they will receive different reward.After that we will have the video for younger students makes to senior who have graduate in this year and we makes the video for senior who have graduate before this year to senior who have graduate in this year.after that in the afternoon the senior will have to congratulate for junior and come to bind holy thread for junior who graduates in this year.the ceremony is calling "the rice offering" which we use time moderately.Because this is the last time at junior will take holy thread from the senior before they go out of school soon as soon.Thereafter senior who have graduate will have to wait for perform a next ceremony.It calling "loop a necklace" in this ceremony the senior will loop a necklace for junior.It is a souvenir before a junior is will go out of school this and after that we sing a song the school music for the last time altogether.After we finish to sing a song all the junior go to respect the holy thing of the school again.Junior who have graduate will enter promise bless from many teachers in hte school and take a photograph with a teachers for get it in the junior comes to beg for the suggestion from an elder brother will in with regard to reach the university or what they should behave when reach the university has already.And in the evening students who graduate in this year come to make an appointment that they will come back to welcome the freshman will be who come to study in this school in next month.My old school have this activity long time ago and I come to join it every year.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Good summer

This summer I have a lot of thing to do in this summer.Firstly after I am finished the test.I have toured to provincial with old friend.They were a high school friend in that time.We toured at Rayong,we should this country because it was the residene of my friend and it was free for us.And this location was near a Bangkok and it has a beautiful sea.In the last year we have only a man in this toured but this year we have woman friend come to join with us.Which it result we enjoy to much before last year and have a lot of fun inthis year.We go to Rayong 3 day and 2 night.It was the excelllent time for me,we have gone to island,waterfall and sea.We used a time in first day when we reaches swiming and playing at the beach and sea all day.Because we didn't meet together long time ago.We come to meet 3-4 time in the one year.In the evening we have dinner near the beach and we sing a song,play a guitar at the beach every night,in the night we divide to rest by separate a man and woman.But in during night time we come to enjoy to play and stay in the same room.Already when who feel sleepy we will then move to different places to rest.Next day,wehave toured to island in the morning and tour a waterfall in the evening.the island have name is "tar-ru" this island where us goes to it very beautiful beach.but the sunlight has will very hot so nobody want have a swim.We have a lunch on that island.Which the food that us bring by oneself.Because the food on island has pice very expensive.And there were a lot of tourists in island and the majority was a foreigner.In the afternoon we already go to the waterfall I can't remember the waterfall name.But we can go to see and play it short time,because it neary to close.So we must get back to the residence to fast because it evening already.But we come back to swim the sea at our residence and wait for dinner time.when dinner time today we have a barbecue seafood.We enjoy to roast and eat it.In the last day in the morning when I wake up I feel sting at mt back and arm because my skin was burnt.It feels pain and my friend find the medicine to apply some remedy to the wound for abate the symptoms feel pain.After that I feel better but my skin was dark skin before a come to Rayong.Because I don't used the sunscreen and wear a shirt when I swim and play on the beach.Finally when in the time must get back.We have gone to pay respect to the buddha before get back to bangkok and We promise that to come back tour Rayong together again.But it was possible difficult,because other a person may have same free time.But we hope to back to Rayong again.When we come back arrive at Bangkok We exchange a picture at my home before they get back home.