วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

AU Camp Last-past

And Now we come arrive in 3 day of we must work already. Which we must awake since 5.00 A.M. for staff who is take care the new student get back at university for go to take new student who come in in the activity "AU camp".Which other group as a already to standby at the ABAC Bangna. When new student comes to ABAC Bangna all group ready begin the work who is work in other group. In the morning the activity recreation it very fun for the new student. After that we have a break to eat the bread. Thereafter the activity reach the base does all activity. When the new student do finished activity has in midday time already.My group the group of welfare will distribute lunch gives with every unit, all of10 unit. After that we will enterring races to go stadium and show power of the cheer.when they training before in the time of we have the activity recreation by each group.In the time of show other group have some difference to show all the group and we will have a reward for who is the best group have a very good show.And then when all the group is finish show that already.We will speech for brother of the university to welcome a new student who is come to study in the ABAC university and open ceremony "AU camp" the activity again officially. When brother of the university give homily finished already.We will the explanation that why we have activity base has that to do that have the purpose ?And then we will have something show for group of show. Which in the show we have dance show and a lot of think in the show for new student feeling happy in the amusement. After we finish the show for the group of show,we will the tying holy thread for welcome new student reaches the university. Which this activity use a lot of the .Because all person want to use long time for a make a relation with new student .Already when we bind holy thread finished everybody will come to accompany with sing for the farewell for the work today .Already my group will wait the outside in order to , distribute snack box for new that student takes to get back eat on a bus when they get back at a house and all staff will come to deliver [ protuberant ] say goodbye all new student and everybody sing a song to say goodbye. Finally when we finished everybody havw celebrate can reserve finished work. Which use 3 days to work in the real day of "Au Camp" and the work for 2 day comes to get prepare in the training day. When we will do this activity,which in 3 days I meet a lot of things.It is excellent experience has that to come to do the activity "AU Camp" I can make new friend include I use the time through 3 day very exhausted but I enjoy about it and this all of the activity "Au camp" and if I am likely come back do again in next year.
