วันศุกร์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

AU Camp past.2

Let talk about training day we have 2 day for trianing before , new student will come join in "au camp" .In the first day we have to conspiracy to doing something before and after, prepare the activity , many the base of activeity and do the equipment in doing that activity with , training the recreation to give all staff can sing a song the recreation.And we will teach new student sings the institute and sing the cheers for race in all unit.We prepare the shows for new student receives the amusement and prepare the equipment will to use in the shows and group others try learn the work of themselves by group boss is will trainer everybody in the group.And in my group work for prepare foods , medicine , and the telephone orders sweets for staff and new student will to come in "au camp" in after 2 in the future. Which we use the time all for day prepare the work only in first day .In second day we training same as a new student has come to join "au camp".which my group job will be work preparation in the last day at everything must be already in tomorrow.But my group still perform only originally must prepare myself that must have to much new student comes to join "au camp" then must prepare food , medicine , water , sweets too more much in training day 2 both of day.Which my group have to check the time when food , water , sweets , that will come to send.And we must use the time distribute eachly unit in anytime and we must check what time all group doing that something in that time.And we make sureabout the time in sending all the thing if any unit want has correctly and punctual to certainly.Every the work should get into trouble so 2 both of day of training day,we get into trouble a lot of happen in to work.All the group try solve a problem in situation for give all the thing pass without trouble for "au camp" day in 3day after Don't have problem when we doing activity in the "au camp".And in a night of second training day we will have distribution shirt for everybody staff to use in the work in the tomorrow and will distribute a shirt for staff in 2 days after for use to work in the next and next day in the night.And in that night all the group is not hurry to sleep.Because we must train all the thing to be already and we make sure to the singing , certainly.Which use the time for a long time , arrive at midnight.But the group of staff who take care new students will be glad to train all that night.
