วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Forgot writeing

Sorry! I forgot writeing blog two week.but I want tell all ,what happen in last week and this week.OK last week in tuesday I have English class but I am absence it .Because I went to help my old school activity.It is a promote T-shirt school.Teacher want to be find student who is popular in the school and student who is finish in the school and famous.Become to presenter T-shirt and in tuesday I find three student who is popular in the school and We have cameraman ,they is my old friend in the school.Presenter is woman so they use the time make up long time.We being take a photo at two o'clock and it very hot day and we take a photo outdoor so it very hot.But Presenter don't grumble,it very well for me because I think they want to take a photo indoor.But they say "it ok we can do it" .They shoud be be impressive for me.After we use very time to take a photo and in 3 o'clock I think I can't go to study Englist class in thirty-five minute,because cameraman say we want more photo to use to promote T-shirt.Finally we finish at 4 o'clock ,I can't go to study now.But I think it ok my work is finish and teacher satisfy about the picture.After that I say thank for cameraman and presenter come to help promote T-shirt and a promise presenter to feast after the pictures are disseminate in the school.This is first day in the promote T-shirt and in the Thursday I appointed student who is finish in the school and famous at the school before student stand in row respect national flag at 7 o'clock I find two presenters "one man and one woman"they is famous in the school when they study in the school.We use one hour take a photo.And after that we promote T-shirt for study at the time student stand in row.We are finish it at 9 o'clock.After we are finish promote T-shirt I invite presenter go to lunch near the school.And I come to study at the university in afternoon.This is all special last week.And this week I writhing it next blog OK.
