วันจันทร์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Go! go and go

This week is very tired for me,because I went to many to much and come to my home very last.I sleeping around 4 hour in one day,so it be sleepy when I study or working,doing homework.On monday I went to study last because I forgot turn on alarm clock.I have study on ten o'clock but I get up at ten o'clock exactly,so I can't come to the class with out last time.But I go to university by Taix in fifteen minute.In very fast so much and I don't absence in the class but I last in the class.I think "It OK" it be better for absence the class.In the afternoon I am sleep at dormitory waiting study Englist class at 3.30 o'clock.I get up at three o'clock and went study.After I finish the class I went to raat-cha-mang.It opposite ABAC.I went to practice faculty cheerleader.And I start practice at 6 o'clock and I two hour practice faculty cheerleader.I come to my home at 22.00 PM.Because the street is very traffic jam.And I have homework to doing,so I doing finish at 3 AM. and went to sleep.tureday my friend call me at 8 o'clock and tell me " We hold a meeting at 9 o'clock Don't forget It".So I get up in that time with feeling sleepy.When I hold a meeting finish,I went to sleep dormitory waiting study Englist class at 3.30 o'clock again.but my mom call me this day is grandmother birth day come home now.So I must to absence Englist class again.After I went meeting grandmother birth day finish,I went to ra?at-cha?-mang again and practice faculty cheerleader some with monday.I went to practice faculty cheerleader all the week so it very tired for me.Wednesday I went to see Fashion show at my old school.Before I went to help that activity many time and this day is Fashion show now.I think it very good show for me.New generation make me dignity so much.After fashion show ending I went to talk with model and staff.They could doing excellent show and congratulate with them.Afterwards I went university and study in the afternoon.When I study finish I went to raat-cha-mang again in 5 o'clock.On thursday I went to The Mall because my friend and I want to contact for information about Internet.And when we finish contact,My friend want back to university but I went to see my old friend at the school.In the afternoon I went back to university because I have 2 class and can't more absence.On Friday I don't class but I went to university because I have a meeting ALSA.And I finish meeting at 20:00 PM.Finally on saturday and sunday I don't have any to do and sleep and sleep all day.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Forgot writeing

Sorry! I forgot writeing blog two week.but I want tell all ,what happen in last week and this week.OK last week in tuesday I have English class but I am absence it .Because I went to help my old school activity.It is a promote T-shirt school.Teacher want to be find student who is popular in the school and student who is finish in the school and famous.Become to presenter T-shirt and in tuesday I find three student who is popular in the school and We have cameraman ,they is my old friend in the school.Presenter is woman so they use the time make up long time.We being take a photo at two o'clock and it very hot day and we take a photo outdoor so it very hot.But Presenter don't grumble,it very well for me because I think they want to take a photo indoor.But they say "it ok we can do it" .They shoud be be impressive for me.After we use very time to take a photo and in 3 o'clock I think I can't go to study Englist class in thirty-five minute,because cameraman say we want more photo to use to promote T-shirt.Finally we finish at 4 o'clock ,I can't go to study now.But I think it ok my work is finish and teacher satisfy about the picture.After that I say thank for cameraman and presenter come to help promote T-shirt and a promise presenter to feast after the pictures are disseminate in the school.This is first day in the promote T-shirt and in the Thursday I appointed student who is finish in the school and famous at the school before student stand in row respect national flag at 7 o'clock I find two presenters "one man and one woman"they is famous in the school when they study in the school.We use one hour take a photo.And after that we promote T-shirt for study at the time student stand in row.We are finish it at 9 o'clock.After we are finish promote T-shirt I invite presenter go to lunch near the school.And I come to study at the university in afternoon.This is all special last week.And this week I writhing it next blog OK.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Week of my birthday

This is week of my birthday .I born at 26 August 1988 .But I think my birthday some all year.And this year my birthday correspond to sunday.So I don't have a meeting and I stay a home all the day,but my friend call to my and try to persuade go to anywhere.Someone want to go to see movie,someone want to went to shopping at siam.But I don't to went to anywhere.because I want to sleeping and eating at my home.So I'm so happy at my comfortable home.But I think it very short diary...OK I will tell you all the day in the week.In Monday when I study English 1 class finish,I go to play basketball with my friend.I don't basketball long time.And I love to play basketball so much because basketball is my favorite sport and I play it again in Tuesday when I study English 1 class finish.Wednesday I study all day it very boring day because I study at 11 AM - 19 PM,it long day in the week.Thursday I finish to study very fast because my teacher come late and no student in the class when teacher coming.Friday I don't go to college because I don't have class in this day and I go to my old school.I go to help activity in my old school.Saturday I study class in the afternoon and this is all.Sunday is my birth my friend call at 9 Am and ask my "where are you" I tell her "I sleep at home now".After that my friend come to my home and gave birthday cake for me.Wow! I very amaze for me.After my friend go to study I go to sleeping again.In the night I'm very happy because someone online in MSN and I tell her this is my birthday.She say really? Happy birthday to you.And I'm happy about that.Because she is lovely girl.And that is all this week.

วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

The Firm

Chapter 15-16

Secret = Hidden from other people.Not know to other people.
Engine = A machine in which heat ETC. is used to produce motion.
Briefcase = A light flat case for papers used by businessmen.
Eventually = Finally,in the end,it emerge be true.
Lawyer = Attoryney,Solicitor,Barrister.
Career = A way of makeing living, make a job
Criminal = An action which is against the law,against the law.
Associate = To connect something with something else in your mind,to join with someone in friendship.
Ridiculous = Very silly;deserving to be laughed at something.
Negotiation = To bargain or disscuss a subject in order to agree.the
Business = trade:buying and selling.
Receptionist = Someone in a hotel,office ETC. whose job is to answer the telephone,attend to guests.
Secretary = A person employed to wrute letters, keep records and make business arrangements.
Emergency = An unexpected happening especially a dangerous one.
Nervously = Courage,haveing to do with your nerves.
Suggestive = The suggesting of something,a proposai or idea.
Arrangement = The result of arranging.
Sleeping-powder =General-anesthetic.
Cupboard = A piece of fumiture with shelves and door for storing anything
Managed = To be in control or charge of something.

Summarize Chapter 15
Mitch was haveing lunch with the partners in fifth floor dining-room .Every associate member invited twice .They were looking for any signs that he was a less keen member of the firm than he used to be.So he smile and eat they offered him.
Lambert had never been so charming.He told Mitch congraulated on the hours he was working and the amount of money he was earning the firm and side he deserved the holiday he was taking next week.After they talking finish.The partner looked down sadly at their plates.Mitch felt sick,but he wanted two million from the FBI.There were a couple of other thing he wanted too.
At the same time that Mitch was haveing lunch with the partners,Tammy,Volkswagen and Peugeot.She opened the back of the Peugeot and took the heavy black briecase out and she drove away.Tammy drove back to her office.There were nine file this time.She copied them all.At three o'clock in the morning Mitch got quietly out.Tarrance and he completes their negotiations.They agreed on two million dollars.And He want his brother Ray out of Brushy Mountain Prison.

Summarize Chapter 16
After Mitch and abby returnal from Caymans, Lambert and Locke went to DeVasher's office.They discuss about what Mitch dose.After that Abby come to see Mitch in Mitch's office.She is pretending to go to see her parents.When they talking finish Abby wasn't crying.After that Mitch watchedher open the door.There was no kiss.
Abby started for Kentucky but didn't arrive there.She made sure that she wasn't being followed and then went to Nashviille Airport.From there she flew to the Caymans.
Actually they have plan to steal in formation from Avery.Tammy try to doing in the plan.After they went to his room.She took a small plastic plastic packet from her bag and dropped some sleeping-powder into his drink.After Avery sleeping she steal information from Avery and copy that all file.Avery finally woke up a few minutes after nine and talk with Tammy.He tried to remember something about last night .But he failed it.When he went off to the shower she called Abby.And it plan is finish.

วันเสาร์ที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

My First diary

Today I write my first diary in a new blog and this is my first diary to write in english language.So when I have a mistake grammar you can comment it all.Alright today I want to tell you about my activisty in last week to today.last week I have two free day in the week.It is Wednesday and friday ,in wednesday is don't study .Because it has open ceremony universeach it is international university sport and my friend try to persuade me to go with him.He tole my he has something to help me make money very easy.And I thought OK to day I don't have anythighg to do.So he tole me met him at somewhere I can't remember and I tole Taxi to went that place in afternoon.When I came arrive at place,I call him where is he and he tole me wait he that place he nearly to came arrive.After we met together we go to room his friend and his explain what is something to show me.It is plan easy to sell and get money back.It call "N21" I can't explain now because it difficult to expain in english.But it was plan to request people join with a team and you can get money.When he expain about plan finish we will go to dinner and watch open ceremony in TV.Finally when we finish dinner we went to home and sleep.In friday I have met with my old friend at "The Mall".I came to The Mall first and calling my friend where are them.They say near to visit The Mall place wait five minute.I waitting them at KFC a few minute my friend came to The Mall and when They came to The Mall at all.We went to sing a song karaokae,play a games,see a movie and lunch at 2.00 pm it to last.After we finish lunch we went to my home.Because we want to talk about what happen before we met again.Finally when we came back to my home we talk very long time because we have so much thing to talk and we ask together what happen your university.When we felt hungry we went to dinner near my home and they went to home when we finish dinner.And today I study at 11 o'clock and I feel sleepy very much in the class.But I never sleep in the class becauce my teacher teach very good today.And I enjoy with my teacher today.After I study finish I go back to me home very fast because I want to sleep so much.Finally I go back home I sleep so fast.I sleep around 3 hour my farther call me wake up we have meeting family at 5.00 pm.After my family came arrive grandmother home I don't have any to do because in my grandmother game or something I can play undo my feel sleepy.So I sleep again at sofa and when they have dinner I wake up with myself.Finally after I finish dinner they take a photo and eat cakes.And my family go back home at night.After that I come to write my first diary now .This is all about my first diary when I have new topic I will write it again.